What is your age:
What is your gender:
What is your highest form of education:
Are you busy or do you have a lot of free time?: Busy | —————————————- | Free time |
Do you stay in one place or move around a lot: Stationary | —————————————- | Moving |
Do you know what fine dust is?:
Do you know why it is being monitored?:
Do you know what the main health concerns are?:
The A(I)R Zoom lens is an application meant to make fine dust more tangible, to make people aware it exists, is a problem, and how big of a problem it is at that moment for them.
Do you understand the concept?:
Would you use the application based on this concept?:
For what goal would you use this application? You are allowed to refer to the personas for examples:
Do you have any questions regarding the concept?:
Do you have any tips/feedback based on solely this concept?:
There is a clickable prototype available with designs for the application. You can click through the application to see what it might look like, and if you press the ‘AR’ Navigation button multiple times you can cycle through multiple different designs.
What is the first interesting thing you notice about the designs?:
What is the first point of annoyance about the designs?:
Please describe the AR design you prefer:
Do you have any feedback about the designs?
Additional Feedback: