
This is the portfolio for the A(I)R Zoomlens, a project by Semester 5 student Skyler Vermeer. On this site you will see the assignment, process, results, evaluation and the relevant documents for the project. This can be used to evaluate the semester, or as easy access to the documentation including links by anyone who is interested or is continuing with the project.


On the base layer, you can see the details of the official portfolio document, also found at {Location in references}. In the references section you can find unofficial additions to this project, the documents and segments such as meeting notes and progress reports. The meeting notes are not edited, and are often in Dutch.

I recommend you either read through the documents in {Reference/Documents} if you are merely interested in the project and its results. If you are interested in the process, you can continue in this subsection, reading it as a portfolio, going through the about section, the process and results and the personal evaluation. The documents are referenced throughout it, so you can simply go to them as needed.

A portfolio by Skyler Vermeer